What I want to be

When I was a child I wanted to be a veterinarian because I love animals and I wanted to help them, but I would feel disgusted with the wounds so it was impossible for me. Then I thought about studying something with chemistry because I liked it and I wanted to create substances and medicine, but it didn´t convince me. I thought about something to help environment, but I was not sure. Finally I decided to study psychology thanks to a class in my school and because I wanted to help people to feel better and to be more at peace with themselves. Until now I like my career a lot and the experience in university is good. I have friends and people to help me. I would like to work in legal Psychology maybe with kids or adults that are victims of a crime. 


  1. Wow! Legal psychology is so difficult

  2. I would like to work with kids too! I think that is a very important topic


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