My biography

I was born in Santiago, Chile, the 25 February, 1996 and I have an older brother. I´m the youngest. We have a different of eight years old. My father and my mother are from Santiago, Chile. Both of them studied in Pontificia Universidad Católica, but different careers. My mother study Preschool Education and my father studied laws. They met at the university. But actually they are divorced. 

When I was in the school I was always very applied in all the class and all like me so I don´t know what to do with my life. With the past of the years I had a class of psychology and I loved it, so since that moment I know what study. When I leave school is a lot of pressure on me for the score in PSU. I don´t have the necessary points to go into psychology in Universidad de Chile, so I worked that year. At the same time I was study to try again in PSU. After that the next year I enter to Bachillerato in Universidad de Chile because I needed one more point to enter Psychology. The next year with the same score of past year I postulate to Psychology and enter. Right now I´m in the third year of the career. 

In my free time I go out with my friends and my boyfriend. I like the movies, the parks to walk and do trekking, read and dance, sometimes I write and do manual arts. I love photography and in my room I have a wall with pictures of my friends, boyfriend and I. In the weekends I work in a Savory close to my house. 


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