My laptop

When I think in technology it comes to my mind all the benefits that it brings with it to the
humanity, but also it makes me think about how easy is to lose important moments with
the people we love sometimes to get stuck in your cellphone for example.
There are many about technology that actually it really makes easier my day to day, but
definitely I give the winner price to the laptop my favorite technological piece because is
very portable and very useful, you can do a lot of things! You can surf the internet, you
can use it to write, to read, to draw, to watch movies and series or even to play video
In my case I use my laptop mainly to read and do my university research and portfolios,
but also, I use it for store my photographs that there are not a few, to watch movies and
series. The fact that is portable allows me to bring my information wherever I go, also it
allows me to progress in my university stuff when I’m not in home.
When I was 14 years old I had a netbook that I care a lot until it was too old for the
technology that we can see now.
Nowadays I have a laptop a little bigger that I own since almost 4 years by now.
I use it almost every day for a considerable amount of time depending what I use it for or
what I have to use it. If I have to do university stuff like portfolios without my laptop I will
be for sure very difficult to finish my university duty’s done and I had to read almost
everything in books instead of having the right information in only one place and easily to
And finally, I wouldn´t have where watch my series and favorite movies in my place!


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