Funny faces

This picture was taken by my best friend. We have been friends since we are kids. Maybe this looks very weird, but he took it using an app that change faces. We also make funny faces. This show my friend and I (whose name I am not going to say for his privacy and integrity) doing stupid things and taking funny pictures to laugh. This was taken in June of 2017, we where in Viña del Mar, Chile, in the apartment of my dad. We really love to go there because we eat a lot, take pictures (pretty pictures too, not only funny) and we have a great time together. I like this photo because it shows so good how is our friendship and make me laugh every time of a i look it (this and the others...yes there are more). I know that if my friend some day know this, he is going to kill me, but I can avoid it. (Please don´t make this viral, I want to stay alive). 


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