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My favorite food dish

Since I am a kid never liked me the meat, was really hard to me eat it, and when I know that comes from animals I don´t want to eat it anymore. When I was 14 years old I stopped eating meat. I am vegetarian since then. I really love eat, but I don´t eat too much, I am satisfied whit a little of food. My favority food dish is Lasagna because I love the Italian food. But Lasagna is perfect, because have a lot of ingredients, is easy to do, I can make it in my way and with the things of I want. I like to do it with mushrooms, cheese, peppers, onion, spinach, white sauce, tomato sauce and more. My family loves the lasagna too and when we want to eat something good and delicious web y the   things to do it. My family are not vegetarian, but whe make to lasagnas, one with meat and others with vegetables or soy meat. Even when is easy to do takes a lot of time make every part to put it together. But i think the process totally worth it.

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